MJC Sustainability Plan
Our commitment is to reduce our impact upon the environment across all our projects. The MJC Sustainability Plan provides the steps we can take;
1. Waste – reduce/recycle/reuse
- We will only buy the right quantities for our needs
- We will select products that use the least packaging/recyclable packaging
- We will continue to separate out waste materials and send these for recycling
- We will use local recycling facilities to reduce road transportation
- We will send materials, such as wood, to local companies who can reuse them, such as Community Wood Recycling
2. Water Management
- We will recommend systems to store and reuse grey water
- We will install equipment that minimises water use, such as reduced flow taps and sanitary ware
- We will create more areas of soft landscaping or use permeable surfaces to allow natural absorption
- We will install green and blue roofs to reduce or slow down water run-off
3. Wellbeing
- We will recommend changes to improve the working environment and reduce energy usage, such as increases in natural lighting and ventilation.
- We will avoid using products that create harmful or toxic emissions, often found in certain paint and carpets.
- We will ensure that ventilation and insulation properties are fully maximised, to improve energy efficiency and improve the working conditions of tenants
- We will increase the level of soft landscaping and outdoor seating facilities, using recycled wood products where possible.
With the help of our clients, these steps are all achievable. We are more than happy to take additional measures to help our clients achieve their net zero goals. We will monitor our supply chain to offer our clients sustainable options, such as ensuring that all materials purchased are sustainably sourced, using BES6001 Certified Suppliers.